Sewing Scrapbook

Project: We Recently Organized our Workspaces and Encourage You to do the Same

Kathleen’s Sewing Room. I am fortunate. I live in a house with an extra bedroom and I use it as my designated sewing and craft room. It has 2 windows—allowing cross ventilation, a spare kitchen table I use for my sewing machine and small supplies, a dresser and book shelves for storing fabrics and larger supplies, a commercial iron mounted on a commercial sewing machine table, and a large cutting board. In the future, I would like to make the board a little higher. It would be easier to cut. Otherwise my sewing workroom is perfect.

Alicia’s Sewing Room. When the work is completed, Alicia will have a sewing room in her house and a garage loft cutting room. We will post photos as soon as we can. 

Your Sewing Room: Send us a photo to post with a few words of description about your sewing space. If you don’t have room to permanently devote to sewing, then carve out a work area that has your supplies conveniently located nearby—stored in labeled, clear plastic boxes. A dining room or large kitchen would be a good work area choice because of the table. Since you can’t close the door on your workroom, keep it as tidy as possible.

Project: One Simple Jacket Pattern with Many Interpretations.

Whatever the season, whatever your mood, our jacket pattern can work for you. As a matter if fact, after you make your first jacket, you will have fabric and color ideas for more jackets. Photographed in Door County, Wisconsin.

Project: Aprons don’t have to be dull.

Use your quilter’s playful skills to create aprons that are worn while entertaining and that are entertaining in themselves. A pattern alteration is included to convert the apron to a jumper dress. Photographed in Santa Fe, New Mexico.